ITS Newsletter Issue 9, February 25, 2021

This communication was generated by UTHSC Information Technology Services to educate and inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities, news and events that will help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care, education, research, and community service.
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In this edition...
  1. It's Time for Spring Cleaning!
  2. Separate Your Work and Personal Email
  3. Got a New Phone and Need Help with Duo?
  4. Adding a Poll to Zoom Meetings/Webinars
  5. Survey Science
  6. REDCap
  7. Communicating in Times of Change
  8. Edit a PDF in Microsoft Word
  9. Tips of the Week
  10. Knowledge is Power – Do You Know if Your Email Address is Compromised?
It's Time for Spring Cleaning!
Now that the snow is gone, it's time for some computer spring cleaning!  Move your hard drive and MyDrive documents to the cloud with OneDrive.
  1. Existing Files
    • Have old documents that you don’t need any more?  Delete them!
    • Do you have multiple versions of the same file? Delete the older versions if you don’t need them.
    • Move all your current files to OneDrive.
  2. New Files
Where is OneDrive on my computer?
New computers come with OneDrive automatically set up for you.

Windows Users: Look in your File Explorer window for OneDrive - University of Tennessee.
Mac Users: Look in your Finder window for OneDrive – University of Tennessee.

if you don't see OneDrive, contact our Helpdesk at 901.448.2222.or at for assistance.

Separate Your Work and Personal Email
Most of us are guilty of receiving personal emails in our UTHSC email account. But, after you leave the university, your UTHSC email account will only remain open for a certain number of days.

Whether retirement is right around the corner or you are looking for a new job adventure, be sure you:

  • have a personal email account set up
  • forward existing personal emails you want to keep from your UTHSC account to your personal email address; delete those you don't need
  • notify friends and family that are emailing your UTHSC email account of your personal email address
  • update any personal subscription emails to your personal email address

Not sure how to get a personal email account or have other questions about what happens to email when you retire from UTHSC? Visit our Retiree Email FAQs.

Got a New Phone and Need Help with Duo?
When you get a new phone, you will need to restore your Duo account to that new phone by following these simple instructions:

  1. Once you have your new phone, go to
  2. Log in with your NetID and password and additional verification information.
  3. Select one of the Duo methods to log in. 
    1. Call Me: Call the cell phone number already registered.  Select 7 to approve.
    2. Enter a Passcode: Select ‘Text me new codes’ to receive an SMS message with new temporary codes to the phone number registered.
    3. Send Me a Push (only if you have access to your old device).
  4. IMPORTANT Select ‘Device Options’ for your phone and choose ‘Reactivate Duo Mobile’ and follow the instructions.
If you have any issues, contact our Helpdesk at 901.448.2222.or at for assistance.

Adding a Poll to Zoom Meetings/Webinars
If you have ever wished you knew what your meeting/webinar participants were thinking, now you can with Zoom polls!

To add a poll in Zoom before a meeting, you must be the meeting host.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Create or Edit Account button.
  3. Sign in using the SSO button (if necessary).
  4. With Meetings selected on the left side, click the meeting to which you want to add a poll.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add button in the Poll section.
  6. You can then begin to add questions.
  7. Click the Save button when finished.
  8. To launch the poll during the meeting/webinar, click Polling at the bottom of the Zoom window.
    1. Click Launch Poll to start.
    2. Click End Poll to end,
    3. Click Share Results to share with participants.
    4. Click Stop Sharing to end the poll results.

Survey Science
If you take the time to craft a survey, it's only natural to hope for a good response.

But, did you know there are things you can do to get more responses? Fourteen years worth of QuestionPro customer research has found the:

  • Most Popular Day: Tuesday (followed closely by Monday and Wednesday) 
  • Most Popular Time: 10 am - 11 am
  • Most Popular Week of the Month: Week 4
  • Most Popular Day Respondents Complete Surveys the Quickest: Tuesday

REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap’s streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.

REDCap provides automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to Excel and common statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata, R), as well as a built-in project calendar, a scheduling module, ad hoc reporting tools, and advanced features, such as branching logic, file uploading, and calculated fields.

Check out the UTHSC REDCap site for info and support.

Communicating in Times of Change
Leadership communication is never more important than during times of change. This course helps supervisors and mid-level managers come up with a communication strategy that helps make a change initiative successful regardless of whether they are the ones instigating the change. Join communication experts Tatiana Kolovou and Brenda Bailey-Hughes as they address the who, why, when, how, and what of change.

  1. Log into UTHSC LinkedIn Learning Portal.
  2. Visit Communicating in Times of Change.

Microsoft has some excellent training courses we recommend you register for:

Edit a PDF in Microsoft Word
Learn this Word tip in less than 30 seconds!

Collaboration with Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 includes many tools like Word, PowerPoint, and Whiteboard that allow for collaboration. Learn how to share files and work together in real time in this TLC Faculty Webinar video

Lean 6 Sigma
Lean-minded folks often try to multi-task to increase productivity. “Maybe I’ll work on this Excel spreadsheet during this Zoom meeting and knock two things off my list at once!” Sounds super productive, right?  It’s not.

Multitasking, also known as task-switching, actually kills productivity. Even simple things like checking emails during a meeting can divert your attention just enough to impair productivity. Plus, the switching back and forth is just fuel for creating errors.

With many people working from home right now, the challenges are even greater.  Ever find yourself in a Zoom meeting, thinking about what you should cook for dinner while petting the dog on your lap? The struggle is real.

Instead of trying to multi-task, you can get more done by monotasking. It is just as it sounds – one task at a time. Monotasking lets you dig deeply into one task, so you give that task all your attention. 

While this may be harder at home, doing things like having a designated office area and telling the kids you are “at work” and unless it is an emergency, you can't be disturbed should help. It may require more willpower than it would actually being in your office where you could shut the door and close off the world, but it can still be done.

Another tip for monotasking is to discover your peak performance time. I am a morning person and feel I am more alert then, but my husband does his best work at night. Working from home might allow you more flexibility to be able to focus in on one task when you are at your peak.

For more tips on monotasking, check out Monotasking Keeps the Brain Healthy and You More Productive from Inc.

Knowledge is Power – Do You Know if Your Email Address is Compromised?
Data leaks happen. It is one of the unfortunate side effects of the modern, internet connected world. Often, these have nothing to do with you, the user, being irresponsible. Companies can suffer embarrassing data breaches, either through having their servers hacked, human error, or staff misconduct. 

There are strict obligations on companies to report data breaches in a timely manner. These reports, plus analysis of hacked data that's been made available online, and the work of so called 'white hat' (good guy) hackers, means there are resources to help you find out if any of your own accounts have been compromised in a data hack.

What can you do to protect your information? First of all, do not use your UTHSC email address as your personal email. It is very easy to sign up for a free email address at Gmail, Yahoo or other sites that can be used for personal use. 

You can check to see if your email has been reported as part of a breach.

Visit and type out your email address. The results will show you if you are part of a breach, and if so, which breaches. This website is a free tool that can be used for any email address. Check all the email addresses your family and friends have. Without knowing where you are vulnerable, it is hard to protect yourself. If you have been part of a breach, the best recommendation is to change your password and your security questions.

For information on this and other tips, see the Office of Cybersecurity’s homepage.

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