Issue 10, March 16, 2021

This communication was generated by UTHSC Information Technology Services to educate and inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities, news and events that will help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care, education, research, and community service.
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In this edition...
  1. Maintenance Window Notice
  2. Report Message Icon in Outlook
  3. Help Us Welcome Nigel Riggs to the Helpdesk
  4. Syncing Your OneDrive Account
  5. Scheduling a Teams Meeting through Outlook
  6. Don't Fall Victim to Zoom Bombing!
  7. SPSS Statistics
  8. Run Effective Meetings with Microsoft Teams
  9. Two Minute Training: Track Changes and Show Markup in Word
  10. Tips of the Week
  11. A Safety Review of Email Etiquette
  12. ITS Spotlight: Cord Williams
Watch your UTHSC email for details on upcoming Maintenance Windows that may affect systems you use.
Report Message Icon in Outlook

You may have noticed a new Report Message icon in your Outlook ribbon. If you report suspicious emails by clicking this icon, Outlook notifies Microsoft of email abuse. And that is good.

But, it is still very important to notify our Cybersecurity team of any suspicious emails you receive so they can investigate and block any attacks against the campus.

Continue to forward all suspicious emails - like those that urgently ask you to send a gift card to a director or to click on a link to change your password - to

Help Us Welcome Nigel Riggs to the Helpdesk

ITS is excited to announce that Nigel Riggs is now part of our Helpdesk team, joining Dewana Oliver, Bubba Williams, and Travis Grose.

Nigel comes to us from Best Buy and although he will be in training for a few weeks, he will be answering calls soon. We are confident Nigel's experience and skill set will benefit the campus.

Syncing Your OneDrive Account

After installing OneDrive on your desktop, a copy of your OneDrive downloads to your local OneDrive folder. As you add, change, or modify those files on your computer, they update on OneDrive in the cloud through syncing. 

Syncing is automatically done when connected to the internet. You can always check to verify your syncing is up to date.


  1. Click the blue cloud on the far right of your task bar.
  2. At the top of that window, you should see “OneDrive is up to date,” letting you know all your files are synced. 


  1. Click the gray cloud on your menu bar. 
  2. At the top of that window, you should see “OneDrive is up to date,” letting you know all your files are synced. 

Now you are ready to start moving your hard drive documents and folders to OneDrive.

This OneDrive Overview will guide you. Or, visit the UTHSC OneDrive website for more information.  If you have problems syncing, please contact the Helpdesk at 901.448.2222 or

Scheduling a Teams Meeting through Outlook 

It is easy to schedule a Teams meeting through Outlook: 

  1. Click the Calendar icon in Outlook.
    Windows users: Click New Teams Meeting in the ribbon.  
    Mac users: Click Meeting, then Teams Meeting. 
  2. Enter the attendees in the To… field. 
  3. Enter the Subject line. 
  4. Location defaults to Microsoft Teams Meeting. 
  5. Enter your Start time and End time. 
    Windows users: Click Scheduling Assistant to avoid meeting conflicts.  
    Mac users: Click Scheduling to avoid meeting conflicts.  
  6. Click Appointment to return to the meeting screen. 
  7. Add any meeting info in the body of the message. 
  8. Click Send. 

This schedules the meeting, including the join link, on the attendee's calendar. 

To learn more about Teams Meetings, check out our Teams Overview handout (page 2).

Don't Fall Victim to Zoom Bombing!

UTK recently reported incidents of zoom bombing – uninvited intruders interrupting Zoom meetings.

To avoid this from happening to you, take the appropriate actions:

  • Make sure you have a passcode set for every meeting.
  • Use a Waiting Room and only allow authenticated users into the meeting.
  • Never share your Zoom links on social media or any other public place (including the Daily Digest).

Learn more on Zoom’s Guide to Prevent Party Crashers.

Be sure to check out our FAQsTips, and Security pages for more information on using Zoom.

SPSS Statistics

SPSS Statistics does a broad range of statistics and graphics, and it is easy to learn and use. It is also easy to transfer data from SPSS into R or SAS to access any esoteric analyses. While most users prefer the SPSS easy-to-use GUI interface, advanced users can take advantage of its programming language. The SPSS programming language is used to automate repetitive tasks, leave an audit trail of the steps you took, and get the package to do something that it was not originally designed to do.
Learn more about SPSS on UTK's Research Software website. Learn when to use it, where to run it, how to learn, and where to get help.

Run Effective Meetings with Microsoft Teams

Make the most of your remote meetings with Microsoft Teams. This tutorial teaches you how to use Teams for your entire meeting experience, from pre-meeting activities to in-meeting experiences to post-meeting follow up. In this training course, you’ll also learn how to access important meetings and content, as well as which audio and video devices are best for your meeting needs.

Microsoft has some excellent training courses we recommend you register for:

  1. Business - Tasks in M365 (March 22 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CST)
  2. Empowering collaboration in the modern workplace with SharePoint and OneDrive for Business (March 22 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST)
  3. Virtual Workshop - Get to know Microsoft 365 for business (March 25 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am CST)

Two Minute Training

Turn on Track Changes to show edits made in a Word document and use Show Markup to show the types of revisions you'd like to display.


How Do I Send an Encrypted Email?

Any email that contains FERPA, HIPAA, PHI, PII, or educational records must be encrypted. We offer two options:

  • Use the UTK Vault for larger files.
  • Send an encrypted email through Outlook by adding the word encrypt anywhere within your subject line.

Learn more about reading an encrypted email.

Lean 6 Sigma

Why should we worry about continuous improvement (CI)? Because it is all about the customer and their experience. 

Christopher Chapman tells you in 5 words (and only 8 minutes) why CI is so important. Check out this video for inspiration on why we should worry about CI.

A Safety Review of Email Etiquette
Email is one of the primary ways we communicate, both in our personal and professional lives. However, we can become our own worst enemy when using email if we are not careful.

The traditional email has few privacy precautions. Your email can be read by anyone who gains access to it, unless it is encrypted. (For instructions on email encryption in the UTHSC environment, see the Office of Cybersecurity’s Email Encryption webpage.) Remember that once you send an email, you no longer have control over it. Your email can easily be forwarded to others, posted on public forums, released due to a court order, or distributed if a hacker gains control of your account. If you have something truly private to communicate, pick up the phone. 
Forwarding Emails
If you forward an email with an entire conversation attached to it, carefully think if that person receiving your email needs to know everything downstream in that email. Perhaps a summary of what was discussed between the original parties would be better. 
Some people like to forward different email addresses into one central address, making it easier to check all different email sources, i.e. work, family, school, etc. Be vigilant about where your emails are forwarded. A hacker that gains access to your account can auto-forward your emails to an outside email address and you might never know it. Periodically check your forwarding rules to make sure your emails are going only where you decide. 
Reply versus Reply All
If you get used to using reply all, muscle memory will have you clicking on that option even when you do not want to. Take time to review every email before hitting send. 
In the same theme, think about distribution lists. We use them extensively on campus with our listservs. Before sending an email to a group, remember that the message will be sent to everyone in that group. Once it is sent, it is out of your hands and can be forwarded to others outside of your control. 
Auto complete
It is very easy to start typing out someone’s name or email address in the To: field and hitting enter after three letters because that has always been the same person you email consistently. However, lately you have been working with a special group or client with a similar name. All it would take is an unobservant or hurried moment to send sensitive information to unauthorized people. 
The best, and most simple advice, is to take a moment before sending each and every email to make sure that you know for certain who is receiving the email and if the subject matter is appropriate for that person or group. For more information, contact the Office of Cybersecurity

Cord Williams

Each week, we feature one of our amazing ITS team members. In our first segment, we learn more about Cord Williams in our Business Productivity Solutions division.

What is your role and how long have you been in ITS at UTHSC? I have been employed at UTHSC for 15 years.  My most recent position is Support Specialist II.  In this position, I was responsible for assisting customer with computer issues and providing recommendations for new equipment purchases. I recently transitioned to a Product Manager position. In my new role as product manager, I will be responsible for an enterprise level product and the primary point of contact with the vendor and the campus. I look forward to bringing my experiences to this challenging new role, where I will be the subject matter expert on a new tool for the campus. I will be transitioning my responsibilities to Travis Grose over the next few weeks.
What is a day in the life of Cord like? A typical day for me (intra-COVID) is hard to define.  They fall into two types, on-campus days and off campus days.  When I am on campus, I do office visits to resolve issues which are to complex/impossible to resolve via telephone.  On off campus days, I call customers to resolve issue which, hopefully, can be resolved via phone and to call to schedule appointments for my next on campus day.
What is your favorite thing about working at UTHSC? I enjoy working at UTHSC because of my coworkers and customers.  I find the university employees to be friendly and appreciative of the job I do.  Being appreciative helps with job satisfaction.

What’s something most people don’t know about you? I’m an above average bowler.

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May 7, 2024