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Isilon File Migration


  1. Connect to UTHSC network and go to MyDrive.
  2. Review your folders on MyDrive and delete obsolete documents. Be sure to delete empty folders.
  3. Check Properties to determine size of MyDrive.
    windows image
  4. next step
    properties window
  5. next step
    properties window
  6. next step
    properties window
  7. Next step
    MyDrive window
  8. Log on to OneDrive.
    MyDrive window
  9. Create a folder for MyDrive documents in OneDrive.
    Create a Folder window
  10. A new folder is created.
  11. Back on MyDrive, click box at top to Select All.
    Select All window
  12. Back to OneDrive, click on MyDrive docs to open.
    MyDrive window
  13. Next step.
    New folder window
  14. Minimize File Explorer and drag folders and files from MyDrive into OneDrive MyDrive Docs folder.
    Select and drag window
  15. It will show you the number of documents uploading.
  16. Also shows Modified as “a few seconds” or “About a minute ago” instead of your original date.
    New folder window
    Note: This may take a while.
  17. Click on Uploading to see progress on copy – could take 30-45 minutes, depending upon the number and size of documents.
    Progress window
  18. Next step.
    Progress window
  19. Next step.
    Progress window
  20. Scan your folders and compare to the MyDrive folders to ensure documents were copied and can be opened.
  21. When you feel comfortable that the documents were successfully copied, delete the documents on your MyDrive,  Give it a week or so. 
    Don’t know if there is a way to compare the MyDrive folder size to the OneDrive folder size to make sure all copied… 
May 7, 2024