Isilon File Migration
- Connect to UTHSC network and go to MyDrive.
- Review your folders on MyDrive and delete obsolete documents. Be sure to delete empty folders.
- Check Properties to determine size of MyDrive.
- next step
- next step
- next step
- Next step
- Log on to OneDrive.
- Create a folder for MyDrive documents in OneDrive.
- A new folder is created.
- Back on MyDrive, click box at top to Select All.
- Back to OneDrive, click on MyDrive docs to open.
- Next step.
- Minimize File Explorer and drag folders and files from MyDrive into OneDrive MyDrive
Docs folder.
- It will show you the number of documents uploading.
- Also shows Modified as “a few seconds” or “About a minute ago” instead of your original
Note: This may take a while. - Click on Uploading to see progress on copy – could take 30-45 minutes, depending upon
the number and size of documents.
- Next step.
- Next step.
- Scan your folders and compare to the MyDrive folders to ensure documents were copied and can be opened.
- When you feel comfortable that the documents were successfully copied, delete the
documents on your MyDrive, Give it a week or so.
Don’t know if there is a way to compare the MyDrive folder size to the OneDrive folder size to make sure all copied…