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Awards and Scholarships

There are a number of College-wide and program-specific scholarships available to students in the College of Health Professions. A list of scholarship descriptions and eligibility criteria is provided but students should refer to program sections of the catalog for specific information about applying for these scholarships.

Chancellor's Diversity Scholarship 

Each program in the college offers at least one scholarship based on diversity criteria. Amounts are based upon available funds. Recipients are selected by each program. The Chancellor’s Diversity scholarship was created to provide opportunities and funding for minority students to receive financial support to begin or continue their academic progression at UTHSC. Criteria include:

  1. Fully meeting the minimum academic standards for the program.
  2. Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Providing financial aid with all required documentation to receive the award (FAFSA, etc.)

This is an achievement award and is not need based so the EFC (expected family contribution is not a factor in the awarding of this scholarship.

UTNAA Scholarship (UT National Alumni Association)

Nominations are requested in April and due May 1. All programs are encouraged to nominate incoming students. College committee selects one student and one or two alternates in rank order in case selected student declines. Assistant/associate dean for student affairs forwards the selected student(s) to the Office of Financial Aid who then notifies the Alumni Association.

Awards and Scholarships by Department

Annette Brown Memorial Downtown SERTOMA Club Endowment
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include financial need, successful academic performance and students who held this scholarship in previous year(s) shall be given preference.

Davidson Scholarship
Department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include financial need, successful academic performance and pursuit of a major in Audiology unless all qualified students in audiology are receiving financial support. Students who held the Davidson scholarship in previous years(s) shall be given preference.

Sol Adler Memorial Fund
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include financial need. First preference is given to PhD students majoring in one of the following areas:

  1. Language disorders in children
  2. Multicultural aspects of language and language disorders
  3. Clinical service delivery to children in unique populations

Secondary preference to master’s students in the same areas of study listed above.

Third preference to undergraduates in Audiology and Speech Pathology who have demonstrated satisfactory academic performance. Students who have held the scholarship in the past shall be given preference in subsequent years.

Jerry Carney/ASHA Leadership Scholarship Endowment
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include successful academic performance. Financial need (in the broadest sense) may be a factor. Recipients from previous years are eligible for selection in subsequent years.

Mary A. Jones
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include financial need and successful academic performance.

Deborah King Fellowship Fund
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship includes financial need, must be a graduate student majoring in speech pathology and demonstrate successful academic performance. Previous year recipients shall be given preference. Available to students living within the jurisdiction of Knoxville, Scottish Rite (Counties: Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox, Loudon, Monroe, Morgan, Roane, Scott, Sevier, Sullivan, Unicoi, Union and Washington)

Ethel Piper Scholarship
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include financial need (in the broadest sense), successful academic performance, preparation to children with communication disorders upon graduation, and a requirement to assist in departmental activities as assigned by the Head of the Department up to a maximum of five hours per week. Previous year recipients shall be given preference.

Harold A. Luper Fund/Scholarship
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship includes financial need and be a graduate student in ASP.

 Audiology Scholarship Fund
Scholarship selection committee in ASP in consultation with the department chair will select the recipient(s). Criteria include graduate student in audiology, successful academic performance, financial need, evidence of high moral character, dedication to work, willingness to conform to the rules of student conduct. Previous year recipients are given preference.

 ASP 100 Club
The purpose of this account is for scholarship awards for students based on criteria as determined by the department. Preference for the award is given to graduate students. The department chair should be the primary person responsible for the account.

 Silverstein Endowment Fund
ASP department selects recipient(s) and amount. Awards should be used to benefit students in ASP by supporting student travel to professional conferences and to recognize outstanding clinical students, who in their first year of graduate school, have worked with children.

Elizabeth Club
Traditionally has been one scholarship per year for students entering in clinical lab sciences and DPT, with selection preference being given to Tennessee residents. For female students only, can be awarded later in the academic year to permit better selection of recipients. Financial Aid Office determines the amount. Recipients are selected by programs.

 Ann Bell
For medical laboratory science students, renewable for second year. Program selects student and amount which is based upon available funds as determined by department official. Selection criteria include successful academic performance, application date, and demonstrated interest in the profession.

For medical laboratory science students. Programs select students. Financial Aid Office provides amount of scholarship. Students are considered for this award who have demonstrated exceptional scholastic ability, leadership, and dedication to a career as a health care professional.

For cytopathology practice students. The program scholarship committee selects one or more students for the award. Selection criteria include financial need, merit and dedication to the profession. The amount awarded and the number of awards depends on available funds as determined by the committee.
McCain Bowman Scholarship
The McCain Bowman scholarship is for students within the HIIM program to receive financial support for travel and participate in professional meetings.

Lori Maloy
For all accepted and enrolled MOT students. Program selects the student and amount which is based upon available funds as determined by department official. The recipient is selected on the basis of financial need and dedication to the profession. Traditionally, selection is made from the MOTII class and it may be awarded at any time in the student’s matriculation. 

Beth Munn Wyatt Occupational Therapy Scholarship
For all enrolled OT students. Program selects the student and amount which is based upon available funds as determined by department official. The recipient is selected on the basis of financial need and dedication to the profession. Traditionally, selection is made from the MOT II class, and it may be awarded at any time in the student’s matriculation.

Rachel Kay Stevens Scholarship
For all enrolled OT students. Program selects the student and amount which is based upon available funds as determined by department official. The recipient is selected on the basis of academic performance. Financial need may be considered. Traditionally, selection is made from the MOT II class, and it may be awarded at any time in the student’s matriculation. Preference is given to Arkansas students, or if none, any out-of-state student. If no out-of-state students, then any student.

PT Alumni and Friends Scholarship
For students accepted or currently enrolled into the DPT program. Department selects recipient(s) and amount. Criteria for the scholarship include financial need, successful academic performance and pursuit of a non-traditional route for entry into the program. Although the scholarship is awarded for only one year, previous recipients are given preference of selection in subsequent years.

Ann Craig Scholarship in Physical Therapy
For students accepted for admission into the DPT program. Scholarship monies are provided for all three years of enrollment, as long as the recipient continues to demonstrate academic achievement, leadership potential, and commitment to the art and science of the Physical Therapy profession. The scholarship is available only to first generation college applicants. Department selects student and amount which is based upon available funds as determined by department official.

Margaret Ayers Award
The recipient of this award epitomizes the personal and professional qualities valued and cultivated by the faculty of the UTHSC Doctor of Physical Therapy program. This individual demonstrates exceptional interpersonal skills with classmates, faculty and patients, and will be remembered as an exemplary student clinician and model for what the UTHSC DPT program hopes to graduate. This award is given to a graduating DPT student, but not necessarily given annually.

Mitzi Zeno Award
This award is for second year students in the PT program with successful academic performance. Preference will be given to students who intend to practice in a neuro-rehabilitation setting upon graduation. Financial need may be considered. The department chair will determine the amount of the award on an annual basis.  

Feb 7, 2025