UTHSC Campus Cupboard
Acting as an agency of the Mid-South Food Bank, the UTHSC food pantry will provide nutritious food and food preparation education to the UTHSC community who may find it difficult to access balanced meals for themselves and their families.
Along with food, pantry visitors have access to recipes for preparation of items stocked in the Campus Cupboard. In collaboration with the UTHSC College of Medicine Culinary Medicine program, recipe samples and cooking instruction will be offered. Furthermore, personal hygiene items will be provided on an as-available basis.
Our pantry
The Campus Cupboard is open on Tuesdays from 4 pm—6pm, Thursday from 10 am—12 pm, and Fridays from 11am—1pm. We are
located at 220 S. Dudley St, Memphis, TN 38103.
If you are experiencing a food emergency, please email Jess Guthrie.
Who is eligible
All UTHSC students, staff, and faculty are eligible to visit the Campus Cupboard. Also, non-UTHSC individuals who participate in the Relative Caregiver Program and the Center for Youth Advocacy and Well-being.