Exposure Assessment
If you have been exposed to a hazardous chemical, biological or radiological agent you must notify your supervisor immediately. The claim must also be reported to Corvel (1-866-245-8588) using the nurse triage line where you can be directed to medical care if needed.
Employees or their supervisors that have concerns about employee exposures to chemicals
or other hazardous agents should contact the Office of Research Safety Affairs (901-448-6114).
The Office of Research Safety Affairs will work to characterize employee exposures
to hazardous agents and prescribe an appropriate set of controls (engineering controls,
work practices, PPE) to ensure that personnel exposure does not exceed the occupational
exposure limit.
Sometimes exposure assessment is necessary to comply with safety regulations. In such
cases, the Office of Research Safety Affairs may contact work area supervisors to
schedule an assessment of chemical handling practices and exposure scenarios. These
exposure assessments will be documented with records retained by the Office of Research
Safety Affairs.
Examples of chemicals that may require exposure assessment include:
- Formaldehyde or formalin
- Waste anesthetic gas (e.g. isoflurane)
- Methylene Chloride
- Hexane
- Methyl methacrylate
- Other volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- Lead
- Chromium
- Mercury
Employees that may be pregnant or who may become pregnant may be particularly concerned about exposure to hazardous chemicals. Sometimes it may be possible for their supervisor to assign them to job responsibilities that decrease the potential for exposure to hazardous chemicals. However, this may not always be the case. In such situations, concerned employees are encouraged to contact the Office of Research Safety Affairs for a review of work practices and controls.