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Critical Freezer Management and Guidelines

The State of Tennessee and the University of Tennessee System Office of Risk Management require that freezers containing research specimens be included in an inventory that is audited annually. The UTHSC Freezer Management Procedure describes the requirements for freezer owners. New freezers must be added to the inventory at the time they are received or stocked with specimens using the Critical Freezer Registration Form. Freezers not included in this inventory may not be covered by insurance in case of damage or loss to the freezer or their contents. Owners must notify Research Safety Affairs of freezers that have been removed from service by completing the Critical Freezer Deletion Form.

In addition to including freezers on the university inventory, freezer owners must implement a plan to minimize the potential risk of loss or damage to freezers or their contents. The UTHSC Critical Freezer Guidelines (provide link to procedure attached to email) provide additional information for individuals adding freezer to the inventory, maintaining their freezers, and submitting claims in case of loss.

Jul 3, 2024