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Tissue Services Core

Biorepository and Whole Slide Imaging services for tissues by the pathology department are available as services to UTHSC investigators.

The Biorepository service can facilitate collection and storage of tissues that are not required for routine diagnosis, as well as processing them in a structured manner so the tissue can be used, as required, for research purposes. Tissues may be stored as fresh frozen, formalin fixed, or paraffin embedded tissue blocks for research purposes.

The Whole Slide Imaging Service is located in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 930 Madison Ave 5th floor.


The Department of Pathology is home to two Aperio Scanscope Digitizers, an XT for microscopic slides and an FL model that scans fluorescent slides. Our scanners create a digital image of an entire microscope slide at giga-pixel resolution in minutes, with inherently superior image quality. Our software provides a consolidated view of relevant case information—anywhere, anytime—and with clinical and workflow tools to improve the quality and efficiency of pathology services.

Digital pathology

Fundamentally, digital pathology is the digitization of microscope slides into image files called “digital slides”—the histologic equivalent of computerized x-rays. Digital pathology is much more focused on the management of information than on the scanning technology for creating the digital slide. Computer files can be analyzed, shared, archived, and compared in ways physical slides cannot, and as such provide a useful approach for both research data management and teaching purposes. 

For information on the Biorepository and Whole Slide Imaging services, please contact us in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

Last Published: May 26, 2022