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Student Groups

Honor Council


The Honor Council of the College of Medicine shall consist of three elected representatives from each class and one elected alternate representative from each class. The alternate representative shall attend all regular meetings and shall participate in hearings in the absence of a representative from that class or if needed in order to constitute a quorum of the Honor Council for a hearing. During the interval between the graduation of senior representatives and the installation of new freshman representatives, all alternates shall function as full Council members and will participate in hearings held during this period.

Election of Members

Each new class shall select its Council members within six weeks of the first day of the beginning of classes.

Honor Council representatives may be reelected at the discretion of a class. However, it is recommended that Honor Council representatives be retained if satisfactory to provide better continuity of the Honor Council.


If a Council member is, for any reason, unable to sit in judicial capacity at the hearings, the respective class shall be represented by the elected Honor Council alternate representative, who shall assume all the regular powers of a Council member. Should a regular Council member be removed from office, the vacant position shall be filled by the alternate member from that class and a new alternate member elected by the class.

Faculty Advisor

The Associate Dean for Student Affairs is the Faculty Advisor appointed by the Dean to assist the Council in its operation, but shall not be present during Council hearings.

Professionalism Committee

Professional conduct is an important aspect of the education of future physicians. It has to be taught and monitored, in the context of overall expectations for successful completion of the curriculum, not carved out as a separate concern. The Professionalism Committee is a bridge between students, faculty, and administration. However, it is not an "enforcing body." That responsibility squarely rests with faculty and administration.

The committee consists of student and faculty representatives, dedicated to creating and supporting a solid foundation of professional conduct, starting at M-1 Orientation. Dealing with conflict and diversity effectively and maturely is one of the key skills a physician has to learn. The Professionalism Committee is seen as a stepping stone and resource along that path.

It is our belief that many "unprofessional" acts are rooted in ignorance, immaturity, thoughtlessness, and lack of good role models, rather than malicious intent. It is our desire to attempt informal resolution of professionalism concerns before involving faculty and administration in the process. Often, the only intervention needed may be a supportive, yet firm peer-to-peer talk, over a cup of coffee, or a stern admonishment by a faculty representative on the committee, followed by monitoring and mentoring of students who may have a hard time "catching on."

If a problem requires the involvement of faculty or administration, the committee chair will call a meeting. The result could be any one of the following, or a combination:

  • Have the offending student(s) meet with the Committee Chair
  • Bring the problem to the attention of the Course Director
  • Initiate mentoring by a faculty member on the committee
  • Consult with Student Affairs or Office of Medical Education
  • Contact Student Mental Health
  • Contact the Office of Equity and Diversity
  • If the offending party is a faculty member, enlist the help of the faculty members of the committee, and/or refer the parties involved to the Student Mistreatment Policy (Student Affairs web site).

In addition to peer discussions and reminders, the Committee will spearhead the development of formal classroom presentations and workshops that are part of the curriculum.

The following are professionalism concerns beyond the scope of the Professionalism committee:

  • Unprofessional or divisive behavior in class, labs, or during a clinical activity (preceptorship, SPEDs, clerkship, or elective) that is egregious and should, in the opinion of the Committee and the Course-or- Clerkship Director, be grounds for academic repercussions: Refer to the appropriate Committee on Progress and Promotions
  • Alcohol or drugs: Enlist the AIMS rep.
  • Honor code violations: Enlist the Honor Council.
  • Sexual harassment, stalking, racial slurs, or other egregious misconduct, outlined in the CenterScope (p. 87): Contact the Office of Equity and Diversity.
Council on International and Area Outreach (CIAO)

In 1996, one student from the College of Medicine, Class of 2000, founded a day on which all medical students would join to perform community service in Memphis. The following year, two students from the same class took a trip to Kazakhstan with a Memphis surgeon to operate on kids; they returned moved and determined to provide others with similar opportunities. Together, these and others from the Medical Student Executive Council sensed the growing need to organize public service on-campus. CIAO, The Council on International & Area Outreach, was founded in 1998 as a culmination of their collective efforts. To find out more about CIAO, visit the CIAO website

If you are planning to travel through CIAO, you must complete and return the CIAO Travel Packet and Checklist to Pam Henry, 910 Plaza Room 1043, at least two (2) months prior to your expected travel date. NOTE: No student will be approved for travel via CIAO without having completed and returned this packet.

Medical Student Executive Council (MSEC) 

The Medical Student Executive Council (MSEC) is the governing council of the student body of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine, representing the students to the administration and faculty of the University, and the Memphis community. The Council is headed by a President and Vice President, elected annually. Voting members include:

  • Vice-President
  • Each class president (4)
  • Three class representatives (12)
  • Alpha Kappa Kappa Medical Fraternity (1)
  • American Medical Association - Student Section (1)
  • American Medical Student (1)
  • Family Practice Student Association (1)
  • Organization of Student Representatives to the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) (1)
  • Phi Chi Medical Fraternity (1)
  • Student National Medical Association (1)

The Council serves to represent all students in the College of Medicine, addressing academic, financial, social, and other issues affecting the students' overall learning experience. MSEC Meetings are held Thursdays at noon in the Student Alumni Center and are open to all students in the College of Medicine. Meetings are periodically visited by the Dean of the College of Medicine, Associate Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs, and Associate Dean of Admissions and Students. Many of the changes in the curriculum are a direct result of MSEC action and support, either from the Council itself or its representatives on the Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education, Clinical Sciences Subcommittee, and Biomedical Sciences Subcommittee.

These representatives report directly to the MSEC, as do the various other committee representatives. The effectiveness of the Council is related directly to its leadership and participation.

Student Advisory Group (SAG) 

Mission Statement: The structure of the Student Advisory Group (SAG) is designed to provide the Office of Student Affairs the best possible advice and counsel in exercising its responsibilities to the College of Medicine students. The elected representatives (VP's for Student Affairs) from each class, along with its elected OSR's, are best able to provide this representation. Issues addressed are non-academic and deal with advancing the personal development and professional life of students.

The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will facilitate the regular meetings of the group. Staff in the Office of Student Affairs will participate in support of the group. Preview SAG Minutes.

Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC) 
The Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC) provides representation for all students at the UT Memphis campus. The presidents of each college within the UTHSC system form this student government body. The president of the Medical Student Executive Council is the College of Medicine student representative on the SGAEC. The SGAEC studies matters of importance to students and submits recommendations expressing student views and concerns to the administration and faculty of the University. 
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)

The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is a national organization which offers students an opportunity to become involved in community outreach projects through locally organized chapters. AMSA is well known for its commitment to facilitating student impact on medical education and practice by developing networks that would increase physicians' awareness and sensitivity to their patients and communities. As a national organization, AMSA offers many opportunities, such as preceptorships in a variety of specialties across the country, participation in the International Medical Student Association, and access to experiences of other AMSA chapters. AMSA chapters receive support from AMSA national staff and task forces. AMSA task forces publish newsletters and hold seminars on areas of interest other than those already covered by our curriculum. These task forces include: Nutrition and Preventive Medicine, Death and Dying, Women in Medicine, Law and Medicine, and many others. Another positive aspect of involvement with AMSA is the opportunity to meet and work with students attending other medical schools via regional and national conferences.

Activities of the UT AMSA chapter have included discussion of clinics by M-3s and M-4s, ongoing M-1 support group, blood pressure screenings in the community with the Memphis High Blood Pressure Coalition and CPR training sessions. The UT AMSA chapter is a forum for student concerns, both personal and professional. Please come and share your interests and ideas.

American Medical Association Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) 

The American Medical Association Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) is a national organization of medical student members of the AMA which is dedicated to improving medical education, developing leadership and promoting activism for the health of America.

The AMA-MSS offers students unique opportunities to interact with students and physicians from across the state and the country and UT Memphis has a long tradition of producing national leaders for the AMA-MSS.

As a member of the AMA-MSS, students are full members of the AMA and as such receive all the benefits that are available to physician members of the AMA including subscriptions to JAMA, AMNews - a weekly update on issues facing medicine, and Members Matters - a newsletter published by the AMA with more immediate concerns facing medicine. Members also receive a free copy of the Drug Evaluation textbook, a helpful resource during Pharmacology.

UT Memphis members also receive the Journal of the TMA and other publications from the Tennessee Medical Association. On a local level, members receive Memphis Health Care News and updates both from our local chapter and the Memphis-Shelby County Medical Society.

Members also receive special banking and insurance benefits through the AMA, as well as having the full resources of the AMA to call upon whenever needed for researching issues to finding information of externships and residencies.

Our local chapter also conducts a physician match program which matches M1 and M2 students with local physicians for a day to follow them around to learn more about the actuality of practicing medicine. UT's AMA-MSS chapter also conduct several seminars each year that offer students educational opportunities outside the traditional curriculum. 

Student National Medical Association (SNMA) 
The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) was founded and organized in 1964. It is a non-profit corporate association of minority students in pursuit of a medical education. The SNMA is dedicated to: 

Leadership development by augmenting and enhancing individual efforts as well as providing collective group development of minority medical students, social awareness through student interaction with minority consumers and other health professional groups to keep abreast of social changes and their implications for the minority communities, and service to humanity through a commitment to professional excellence which will ultimately benefit others in their chapters and in the community. The SNMA supports the concept of a well-rounded, thoroughly-trained physician - one who can treat people, not just disease - and who can communicate with and understand the health needs of all Americans.
Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)
The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) provides student input into the Association of American Medical Colleges. The AAMC is a group with membership from American, Puerto Rican and Canadian Medical Schools, over 400 teaching hospitals, and 60 major academic societies.

The Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) has both national and regional meetings once a year. During these meetings, the student members discuss the status and trends in medical education nationwide, pass resolutions, and elect officers who meet during the year to act upon those resolutions. For the College of Medicine, representatives are chosen by the Medical Student Executive Council. OSR representatives have information concerning issues at other medical schools and at the national level in medical education.
Women in Medicine and Science

The Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) is a student-led organization designed to facilitate communication and networking among its members and to provide advocacy to all female students and trainees at The UT Health Science Center in order to build a support community that will nurture the professional development of current and future women in medicine and science.

For more information, visit theWIMS website.

Jun 27, 2024