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ITS Newsletter Issue 1

This communication was generated by UTHSC Information Technology Services to educate and inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities, news and events that will help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care, education, research, and community service.

  This Week’s Hot Tip: 
External Sharing with Microsoft SharePoint! 

SharePoint is now configured to allow you to share documents with internal and external colleagues! Check out ITS guidance and instructions on how to safely and securely store/share university data and documents.  

Tell us your needs by taking the 2-minute External Sharing survey.  

Business Productivity Tools
“Tools to help you work smarter, not harder”  

Microsoft OneDrive  

Microsoft OneDrive is an Internet-based storage platform with a significant chunk of space offered for free by Microsoft to anyone with a Microsoft account.  

  • Think of it as your personal network or hard drive in the cloud.  

  • Store your work files and folders safely.  

  • Access your work documents remotely.  

  • Share documents with other people when you are ready.  

OneDrive has similar functionality to Dropbox and Google Docs, but it is the UTHSC-supported solution. Visit the UTHSC OneDrive website for more information. 


Microsoft SharePoint   

Microsoft SharePoint is a suite of tools that allows for online collaboration including file sharing, data storage/retrieval, and workflow processes. 

  • Think of SharePoint as your VolShare or Shared Drive on the cloud.  

  • Store departmental work documents, files, and folders.  

  • Access your documents remotely.  

  • Collaborate with co-workers and colleagues.  

SharePoint is the UTHSC-supported file sharing solution.  

Anyone who would like to have a SharePoint site created for their division, department, college, or workgroup should submit this online form to request.  

Visit UTHSC SharePoint website for more information

Microsoft Teams  

Microsoft Teams keeps your in contact with each other! 

  •  a chat-based collaborative platform, complete with document sharing and online meetings for business communications. 

  •  an excellent team space to be able to make creative decisions and communicate with one another.  

  • a shared workspace software makes it easier to work together for a team, especially for remote employees. 

Visit UTHSC Microsoft 365 website for information. 


Zoom is a video conferencing service you can use to meet virtually with others - either by video, audio-only, or both.  

Learn how to install Zoom and download the app by visiting UTHSC Zoom Overview website

Visit UTHSC Zoom website for more information. 

Survey Tools  

QuestionPro is our university-wide online survey/form tool. QuestionPro is available to all faculty, staff, and students (at no cost to you) to design, distribute, analyze, and export simple to complex surveys. You can even use it for the benefit of outside organizations. 

Log into your UT QuestionPro account today and get started.  
Visit UTHSC QuestionPro and Qualtrics website for more information. 

Interested in getting the access you need? Visit the Application Access website and IT Service Catalog for more information. 

Research Software Highlight  

NVivo is a qualitative analysis software package that supports both qualitative and mixed methods research.  

Visit UTHSC NVivo website to get more information about NVivo and to review the instructions for downloading it to your computer. 

Advanced Computing Facility (ACF) is now ISAAC

The University of Tennessee Advanced Computing Facility (ACF) has been rebranded to ISAAC, the Infrastructure for Scientific Applications and Advanced Computing.  

ISAAC is composed of two components to support high performance & scientific computing: the ISAAC Secure Enclave for research with sensitive information and the ISAAC Open Enclave for research not involving any sensitive information.

ISAAC has a new home at Along with the rebranding of ACF to ISAAC, the new website includes updated content and links to the Portal, Open OnDemand, and the Secure Enclave.  Bookmark this page today!!

Training Recommendations   

LinkedIn Learning  

LinkedIn Learning provides courses and webinars for you to learn business, creative, and software skills to achieve your professional and personal goals. 

First login into your UTHSC LinkedIn Learning account to access a variety of free courses. 

Get started with the following courses:  

  1. Learning OneDrive 

  1. Learning SharePoint Online 

  1. Microsoft Collaboration: SharePoint, Teams, Groups  

  1. Microsoft Teams and Tricks  

  1. Learning Zoom 

Visit UTHSC Faculty and Staff Resources website to see featured LinkedIn Learning courses.  

 Tips of the Week 


 Cybersecurity TIP of the Week  

“Sec_rity isn’t complete without U” 

Protect Personal Information, Especially Social Security Numbers 

In the US, the Social Security Number (SSN) has been around since 1936. Originally, it was used only to keep track of earnings for US workers for Social Security entitlement and benefits, but it has become almost a universal identifier.  

Your SSN is often requested and used by organizations to help identify you and to access your confidential records. If someone asks for your SSN, ask if there is some other way to verify your identity.  

Only give your information out if you have verified the requesters identity, for example, by calling a known and publicly posted phone number. Never give out your SSN to an unknown person who calls you. With your name and your SSN, a thief already has a great grasp on your identity. Keep it safe. 

Visit UTHSC Cybersecurity website for more information




ITS Tip  

Dreaming of a password that never expires? It’s now possible! Under the Non-Expiring Password Policy, change your password to a 12 or more character password and the password will never expire!  

Visit UTHSC Password Management website for more information. 


Lean 6 Sigma Tip  

A goal worth having is worth documenting. Planning is an important step in moving forward with your work goals. Documenting your plan provides you with actions and deadlines.  

Visit the Lean UTHSC website for more information. 


Voicemail Tip

ITS has begun the process of modernizing the university’s
 telecommunications system. 

This move will increase functionality and extend your office     phone services to multiple devices, ensuring you never have to miss a call wherever you are.  

The update will not affect existing voicemails or phone forwarding.
Visit UTHSC Voicemail Instructions website for assistance.

Upcoming Training Sessions  

Application Support
Visit UTHSC Desktop & Web Apps website to see a list of supported applications.  

Interested in learning more about one of these tools?
Request a training for yourself or your department! 

Contact for individual or group trainings.


The LinkedIn Learning Staff Webinar  

LinkedIn Learning is having a webinar for staff.

The webinar will cover

  • what LinkedIn Learning is
  • how you can use it to develop new hard and soft skills
  • how to find ind the right content 

The webinar is Wednesday, October 14th @2:30pm CT 

Go to LinkedIn Learning Webinar Registration website to register today. 
The webinar will have an ongoing Q&A to answer specific questions. 


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UTHSC Information Technology Services 
877 Madison Avenue | Memphis, TN 38163 

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May 7, 2024