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Explanation of Fees

Application Fee

Board Review Fee

Course Proficiency Exam Fee

Dental SGA Fee

Disability Insurance Fee

Digital Course Materials Fee

Digital Equipment Fee

Facilities Fee

Guarantee Enrollment Deposit

Graduate Endodontic Clinical Utilization Fee

Health Insurance


Installment Plan

Laboratory and Clinical Utilization Fee

Late Fee

Library Fee

Maintenance Fee

Malpractice Fee

Medical Equipment Fee

Microscope Fee

MTM Certificate Fee

Non-Resident Tuition (Out-of-State Tuition)

Nursing Kit

Occupational Therapy Media Fee

Online Course Fees

Online Support Fees

Other Dedicated Student Fees

Parking Fees

Point of Care Testing Certificate Fee

Pre-Naplex Exam Fee

Programs and Services Fee

Programs and Services Fee - UTK

Programs and Services Fee - Health

Programs and Services - Health UTK

Re-Enrollment Fee

Returned Check Fees

Simulation Center Equipment Fee

Step 1 Prep Fee

Technology Fee

Transportation Fee


UTHSC UTMCK Facility Fee


Application Fee

Non-refundable fee for undergraduate and graduate students which must be submitted with each first-time admissions application before an individual will be permitted to become a University of Tennessee Health Science Center student

Board Review Fee

A review course that will prepare students for the National Boards.

Course Proficiency Exam Fee

Fee for students that wish to test to see if they are proficient before advancing to next course.

Dental SGA Fee

Mandatory fee assessed to all registered dental students. Membership dues shall be paid by each dental student at the commencement of each semester and collected by the Bursar’s Office along with regular registration fees.

Disability Insurance Fee

Disability plan for the College of Medicine students that the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has arranged with an insurance carrier that will pay the student a monthly benefit in the event the student becomes disabled.

Digital Course Materials Fee

Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) fee for student course materials in a digital format (ebooks).

Digital Equipment Fee

Fee for equipment needed for updates for testing and e-books.

Facilities Fee

Mandatory fee assessed to all Audiology and Speech Language students enrolled in credit and audit courses located on the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) campus. The fee will be used to provide students with upgraded classroom facilities, expand information technology into the classroom, and fund campus infrastructure improvements. These revenues will be targeted to assist in funding a backlog of campus and classroom projects that will enhance the University's facilities. The fees are determined by the UTK campus and are accessed per term. The fee will be pro-rated for part-time students.

Guarantee Enrollment Deposit

Students who accept a place in one of the professional school classes are required to remit a nonrefundable enrollment deposit. The amount of this deposit is applied toward payment of the student’s fees for the first enrollment period. In the event that the applicant fails to enroll, the deposit is nonrefundable, unless substantial extenuating circumstances can be shown.

Graduate Endodontic Clinical Utilization Fee

Provides funding to keep the Endodontic Clinic functionally updated with current equipment upgrades and replacements. Also for the operation of microscopes, radiography equipment and other specialized instruments.

Health Insurance

All students are required to obtain basic health care and medical care insurance to protect themselves, their families, their professional health care associates and providers. The student may elect to enroll in the UT Health Science Center student health insurance plan or obtain equivalent health insurance with a private carrier. Students must complete a wavier online within the first 14 days of the semester or their account will be billed for the Health Insurance which is non-refundable. Those opting into the university offered insurance plan must complete an enrollment form. You may complete the Insurance Waiver/Enrollment form or follow the link:


The Hepatitis B immunization series and positive titer are required of all students and students have one academic year to complete this requirement. The student can begin this series during their first semester of enrollment at University Health Services. If you have completed the Hepatitis B series, you must provide proof of immunity by titer. This fee is not assessed on your student account billing. See for additional information

Installment Plan

Is available to students who are in good financial standing. Eligible students may enroll in a payment installment plan. Authorized users may also enroll a student in the payment plan at the authorized user website. The Installment Plan permits eligible students to pay 50% of the total term charges plus a $20 service fee on or before the published due date of each term. Students who do not pay 100% of the charges by the payment due date are required to enroll on the Installment Plan. After the  first installment of 50%, payment is made; the second installment (half the remaining balance) is due approximately 45 days later with the final balance due approximately 15 days later. All Installment Payment Plan balances from previous registration periods must be paid in full according to the agreement prior to establishing a new payment plan. Students who are not eligible for the Installment Plan must pay 100% of the total term in order to avoid schedule cancellation. A $35.00 will be assessed on each monthly installment that is not paid on or before the due date. The University is not obligated to send reminder notices before the payment is due.

Instructions for students and Authorized Users enrolling in a payment plan at the SSB Banner Portal.

Laboratory and Clinical Utilization Fee

Fee to maintain an instrument management system and fund increasing costs associated with infection control practices mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Centers for Communicable Disease.

Late Fee

A one hundred ($100) dollar fee will be assessed if the minimum amount of fees due is not received by fee payment deadline date published on the Bursar’s website. Late fees are exclusive of all other charges.

Library Fee

A mandatory fee for all students located on the UTK campus enrolled in credit and audit courses. The Library Student Fee will be used to fund student services (including library hours), the acquisition of books and electronic resources, and other services, programs and upgrades in support of learning and research and for the advancement of the UTK Libraries.

Maintenance Fee

A Maintenance Fee is assessed to students enrolled in credit courses, including audit courses. Undergraduate and graduate students are assessed different fees. The Maintenance Fee is an enrollment or registration fee and is calculated based on the number of hours enrolled up to a maximum full-time charge. All students, both in and out-of-state, are required to pay the established Maintenance Fee.

Malpractice Fee

Covers liability of students for the actions of the students while they are engaged in a University of Tennessee Health Science Center directed educational activity relating to their professional field.

Medical Equipment Fee

The medical equipment fee is required for the PA program to provide students with the medical equipment needed to perform a comprehensive physical examination in any location. This equipment will ensure that our students have everything that they need in order to provide the community partners with a quality examination and screening.

Microscope Fee

A rental cost for the use of the microscope.

MTM Certificate Fee

Fee assessed for APHA Certification as part of required course work for P3 students.

Non-Resident Tuition (Out-of-State Tuition)

Tuition is an additional fee assessed to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in credit courses, including audit courses, who are classified as non-residents of the state of Tennessee for fee assessment purposes.

Nursing Kit

Fee for nursing supplies needed to complete the clinical portion of Nursing program.

Occupational Therapy Media Fee

Mandatory fee that covers the expense of items needed to implement the therapeutic media projects.

Online Course Fees

Online courses are provided for undergraduate and graduate students, with separate rates established for in-state and out-of-state students.

Online Support Fees

Prorated technology needed to deliver online courses to distance education students only and other dedicated fees for graduation and yearbook.

Other Dedicated Student Fees

Other dedicated student fees include, but are not limited to, the following fee: Graduation Fees, and Yearbook Fees.

Parking Fees

All persons subscribing to UTHSC parking must pay the current fees set out by the Parking Authority Board. Students pay fees at registration or in the Parking Office, as needed. Parking fees are charged from the date the permit is picked up, or fee payment day, whichever occurs first.

Point of Care Testing Certificate Fee

Mandatory fee charged to 3rd year Pharmacy Students. The Point of Care Testing Certificate offered by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) will provide our students with knowledge and training to implement innovative pharmacy services as practicing pharmacists.

Pre-Naplex Exam Fee

Exam fee assessed for college assessment of P4 progression.

Programs and Services Fee

Students registered for classes must pay the Program and Service Fee. The fees are dedicated to supporting student-related services, including, but not limited to: student activities, campus recreation, debt service for designated buildings, and student government association activities.

Programs and Services Fee - UTK

Students located on the UTK campus are required to pay the approved UTK Program and Service fee. The fee is used to pay for the costs related to several UTK facilities including the Aquatics Center, as well as student activities and publications, and the Student Government Association. Students may not purchase student athletic tickets unless they have paid the maximum charge.

Programs and Services Fee - Health

A required fee dedicated to provide a service which includes: comprehensive primary care including women's health, occupational health, preventive screenings and laboratory services. The University Student Health Services Clinic including student counseling or behavior health.

Programs and Services - Health UTK

Students located on the UTK campus are required to pay the approved UTK Health fee. These fees are to support the student health clinic services including student counseling.

Re-Enrollment Fee

A five hundred ($500) fee that will be assessed to any student who is withdrawn from the university due to non-payment of registration.

Returned Check Fees

Each returned check is subject to a $30.00 university administrative fee which is added to the responsible person's account balance. In addition to the returned check administrative fee, if it is a check for registration there will be a late registration fee of an additional $100.00.

Simulation Center Equipment Fee

Mandatory fee that will provide training with state-of-the-art simulation equipment and real patient actors with simulated conditions.

Step 1 Prep Fee

Step 1 is the first part of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It is taken at the end of the second year of medical school. The purpose of adopting this resource across the first four semesters of the curriculum is to benefit both faculty teaching and student performance.

Technology Fee

Each semester a technology fee is assessed to every student. Revenues will provide improved technical resources and services.

Transportation Fee

Mandatory fee assessed to all Audiology and Speech Language students registered for credit and audit courses located on the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) campus must pay a transportation fee. This fee is used to provide students with a convenient method of movement around campus and will subsidize the costs associated with the new comprehensive campus transit system.


Tuition is required of all students who are classified as non-residents of the state of Tennessee for fee assessment purposes. Maintenance fees are the in-state portion that all students must pay.

UTHSC UTMCK Facility Fee

Mandatory fee assessed to all Pharmacy students enrolled in credit courses located on the University of Tennessee’s Medical Center Knoxville (UTMCK) campus. These revenues will be targeted to assist with the enhancement of UTHSC facilities. These fees are determined by the UTHSC campus and are accessed per term.

Last Published: May 26, 2022