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Architecture and Planning

The Office of Architecture and Planning includes architectural professionals who provide design and review services for units on the University of Tennessee Health Science campus in Memphis, Tennessee. Clients request that our staff of architects and designers assist in the programming and design of your renovation projects. Our design professionals and support staff lead the client through each step and answer any questions the client may have along the way.

The Office of Architecture and Planning contracts with private consulting engineering firms to provide design services for electrical, heating ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, structural, and civil engineering. Also available is environmental engineering service to help determine the existence of any hazardous materials that are encountered during a renovation or construction project. The cost of these engineering services for all phases must be reimbursed by the client department.

Available Architectural Services:

  • Conceptual design and planning consultation
  • Estimating services for all renovation and major work
  • Bidding construction projects
  • Construction Administration
  • Review of building program documents and construction documents for capital outlay and capital maintenance projects.
  • Preparation of construction documents and specifications for projects to be executed by outside contractors and the Facilities Services Department
    Coordination of external engineering consultants

*Master Building Plans are maintained in the Office of Architecture and Planning.

Jan 9, 2025