Clinical Educator
Clinical Educators face challenges of balancing patient care and teaching students. Recipients of the Clinical Educator medallion will develop an understanding of the pedagogical strategies used to effectively teach students in the clinical setting.
Strategies include setting learner expectations, giving effective feedback, using case-based learning, characteristics of effective clinical teachers, and using questions as a teaching tool.
20 CME/CEU credits provided

AMA Credit Designation: The University of Tennessee College of Medicine (UTCOM) designates this enduring
material for a maximum of 20 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation
in the activity.
Continuing Education for Non-Physicians: The UTCOM will issue Certificates of Participation to non-physicians for participating in this activity and designates it for CEUs using the national standard that 1 hour of educational instruction is awarded .1 CEU.
Accreditation: The UTCOM is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Course Modules
Introduction to Clinical Education
Clinical Educator Implementation
Choose Four
Challenges of Teaching in the Clinical Setting
Characteristics of Effective Clinical Educators
Setting Learner Expectations
Giving Effective Feedback
Case-Based Learning
Questioning as a Teaching Tool
Faculty Testimonials
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