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ITS Newsletter Issue 5 December 10, 2020

This communication was generated by UTHSC Information Technology Services to educate and inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities, news and events that will help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care, education, research, and community service.
Don't share your Password!  

Sharing your NetID password is like giving someone the keys to your kingdom!  They can access your MyUT/IRIS account which shows them your pay stubs and provides them the opportunity to change your direct deposit information!

In addition, you are responsible and liable for all processes initiated with your NetID, so this is not to be taken lightly! Learn more by viewing our ITS InfoSec-AC-002-Authentication policy.

Contact the ITS Helpdesk and they will guide you in making good technology choices to protect your data. Email or call 901.448.2222.

Question of the Week:
Why is Zoom kicking me out of meetings?

Zoom may kick you out of a meeting if your software is not up-to-date. To check for updates on either a Windows or Mac computer, open the desktop app:
  1. Click your initials or picture in the upper right corner
  2. Click Check for Updates
  3. Follow the prompts, if necessary, to update your app before your next Zoom meeting starts

Zoom is updating their software multiple times during the week, so check often! 

For daily tips and information visit UTHSC Faculty and Staff Resources for Working Remotely website!

Microsoft OneDrive  

How do I upload documents & folders to Microsoft OneDrive?
Two methods:
  • Drag & Drop -- see last week’s ITS Newsletter
  • Upload documents & folders easily
 Here’s how you upload an existing document/folder to OneDrive: 
  1. Open OneDrive on
  2. Within OneDrive, go to the folder where you want to save the document
  3. Click Upload
  4. Select File or Folder
  5. OneDrive will bring up File Explorer, and points to your PC
  6. Within File Explorer, select your document or folder
  7. Click Open or Upload
  8. You may see an “Uploading” message as the document/folder is saved on OneDrive
  9. You should then see the document listed in your OneDrive folder
Now you are ready to start moving your hard drive documents and folders to OneDrive!
This OneDrive Overview will guide you.  Or, visit the UTHSC OneDrive website for more information. 

Microsoft SharePoint  

How do I manage my documents?

SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams each offer document storage functionality.  So where should you store your documents?

UTHSC provides the Microsoft O365 suite of products to our campus as a secure, supported, powerful, and free to you option.  This HIPAA and FERPA compliant suite of products has three tools for document storage:

  • OneDrive is meant for personal storage. 
  • SharePoint is best used in two ways: for collaborating on files with others, and for publishing files for your team to see.
  • Teams is great for project teams and committees as a temporary storage location for collaboration.
Visit UTHSC’s Document Management Overview for a comparison of these three tools.

Need some guidance?
  Contact the UTHSC Helpdesk for assistance or to schedule time with Tonya Brown, our Application Support Analyst.  Email or call 901.448.2222.

Think you might need a Zoom Licensed/Pro account?

A Zoom Licensed account allows you to:

  • Have up to 300 participants
  • Have meetings last longer than 40 minutes
  • Set up a co-host
  • Use Waiting or Breakout rooms
  • Do polling during meetings
  • Share your screen
Do the following steps to request a Zoom Licensed/Pro account:
  1. Create your Zoom Basic account at
  2. Submit the form to Request a UTHSC Zoom licensed account.
  3. Once your account has been upgraded, you will receive an email.
To learn more about Zoom, visit the UTHSC Zoom webpage or check out our printable Zoom Overview.

Microsoft Teams  
DYK:  You can install the full version of MS Teams on your computer and phone?
  • Allows you to take a Teams call on your computer or on your cellphone from anywhere
  • Allows you to see chat messages on your computer or cellphone, without having to log into Microsoft 365 Teams
  • No need to share cellphone numbers, as you can Teams your co-workers using the app
  • Go to
  • Log in with your NetID/password (this may require Duo authentication)
  • Click Teams
  • Download the app by clicking on your profile (upper right corner)
  • Choose Download the Mobile App
  • Go to your Downloads folder to install
Need Teams on your phone? Go to your app store to download.
Visit UTHSC Microsoft Teams website for more information.  Watch the Microsoft Teams Essential Training video from this site for additional instructions on how to download the application to your computer.

Application Access and IT Service Catalog 

Interested in getting the access you need? Visit the Application Access website.

Curious about what technical tools are available on campus? Visit the IT Service Catalog for more information. 

Did you know?

UTHSC ITS supports two cloud-based Survey Tools for the campus:  QuestionPro and Qualtrics to easily create surveys, collect and store data safely, and produce reports.
These tools are:

  • No Cost for faculty, staff and students
  • Supported by ITS, with training and troubleshooting services available to you
  • Secure – ITS works with our vendors to ensure these software tools are HIPAA and FERPA compliant to protect PII, PHI and other sensitive data
  • Powerful functionality, 24/7/365 availability from anywhere, and much more!

SurveyMonkey is not a UTHSC-supported tool and it cannot provide the same level of security or support to our campus.

Switch to QuestionPro and/or Qualtrics today!

Visit UTHSC QuestionPro and Qualtrics website for more information. 

Need some guidance?  Contact the UTHSC Helpdesk for assistance or to schedule time with Tonya Brown, our Application Support Analyst.  Email or call 901.448.2222.

Blackboard Newsflash!
We heard you! To improve your Blackboard experience, ITS and TLC will be transitioning Blackboard support back to campus, starting on January 1, 2021.  Simply email or call 901.448.2222, and the ITS Helpdesk will assist you with resolving your Blackboard issue. 

The ITS Helpdesk is available Monday through Friday, from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys.

REDCap provides automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to Excel and common statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata, R), as well as a built-in project calendar, a scheduling module, ad hoc reporting tools, and advanced features, such as branching logic, file uploading, and calculated fields.
Visit UTHSC REDCap or 
UTHSC ITS Research Software website for more information.
Application Support
Visit UTHSC Desktop & Web Apps website to see a list of supported applications.  

Interested in learning more about one of these tools?
Request a training for yourself or your department! 

Contact for individual or group trainings.

LinkedIn Learning  

LinkedIn Learning provides courses and webinars for you to learn business, creative, and software skills to achieve your professional and personal goals. 

First login into your UTHSC LinkedIn Learning account to access a variety of free courses. 

Get started with the following courses: 

  1. Team Collaboration in Office 365 (Microsoft 365)
  2. Configure and Manage OneDrive and Teams
  3. SharePoint Essential Training: Beyond the Basics
  4. Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly
  5. Applying Lean 6 Sigma
Visit UTHSC LinkedIn Learning website for more information.  

Information Technology Services

Interested in learning more about Microsoft Teams functionality?
Check out our new Teams Overview documents for pointers in how to use Teams to the fullest!

Visit UTHSC’s Microsoft Teams webpage, and click on Teams Overview – Pages 1 & 2 under Resources in the box on the right.

Lean 6 Sigma 

Lean 6 Sigma the Holidays provides advice on how to make the most of your holiday season by reducing stress and staying focused on your priorities.

“Sec_rity isn’t complete without U” 

Gift Card Scams are Popular this Holiday Season

This holiday season is seeing a rise of the Gift Card Scam. Our campus got hit hard last year with these phishing attempts, and we have worked hard to block them from getting to your inboxes.

However, there scammers are getting more and more clever, and some do get through. The premise is you get an email that looks like it comes from your Dean, department head, or someone else in authority asking you for a favor. Since we have been able to weed out emails that specifically ask for the purchase of gift cards, these are now showing up with a subject line of “Are you Available”, or “I need a favor”. If a person responds, the scammer states they have an urgent request for you to buy gift cards, either for a personal friend or for a department function. They ask for your cell number so they can continue the conversation. Note that these emails are coming from an external source ([Ext] in the subject line), but the name of the Dean or department head is spoofed.

DO NOT ENGAGE these emails but report them to With specific information about the email, we can block it from being delivered to other people’s inboxes.

Stay safe and continue to #BeCyberSmart!

Office of Cybersecurity at or 901.448.1880. Visit UTHSC Cybersecurity website for more information. 

Securing the Generation Gap
You may want to get Grandma that new device for the holidays, but does she know how to operate it securely?  Today’s technology can be overwhelming for almost all of us, but especially challenging for family members not as used to, or familiar with it. And if they don’t stay secure, they may be more trouble than they are worth. 
Here are some key steps to help secure family members who struggle with technology and may misunderstand the risks that come with using it, brought to use by SANS Security Awareness. 

Focus on The Basics
Frequently, the best way to help secure others is to make security as simple as possible for them. Focus on the fewest steps that will have the biggest impact.
  1. Social Engineering: Social engineering attacks are one of the primary ways most of us are targeted. Explain how scammers and con artists have operated for thousands of years, the only difference now is bad guys are using the Internet to fool us. Give examples, such as phishing emails pretending to be your bank or a package shipment or scammers calling pretending to be Tech Support or the government. Make sure family members understand they should never give their password, credit card, personal information or access to their computer to anyone. Remind them the more urgent the message is the more likely it is an attack. Some criminals prey on our loved ones longing for love and will pretend to be their dream prospect. Finally, be sure they know that if they feel uncomfortable or have questions about an email or someone calling them, that they call you first.
  2. Home Wi-Fi Network: Take time to make sure their home Wi-Fi network is password protected and has the default admin password changed. You may also want to consider configuring the Wi-Fi network to use a secure form of DNS such as the free Secure DNS services not only help stop people from visiting infected websites but can give you control over the websites people can or cannot visit, which can be especially valuable if kids are visiting.
  3. Updating: Emphasize that keeping systems, software and devices updated and current makes it much harder for criminals to compromise them. The simplest way to ensure this is to enable automatic updating wherever possible. If you have a device or system that is so old that you cannot update it, we recommend you replace it with a new device that does support updating.
  4. Passwords: Strong and secure passwords are key to protecting both devices and any online accounts. Walk your family members through how to create long passphrases. Passphrases may be easiest for them to both use and remember. Another idea is to install a password manager and teach them how to use it. It can allow your loved ones to use the Internet in an easy and secure manner, only having to remember a single password to unlock the vault. Depending on the solution, you may be even able to virtually administer it for them. If that does not work, perhaps have them write their passwords in a book and then store it in a convenient and secure place. For any critical online accounts, such as their financial accounts, you may also want to set up two-step verification. Be sure to have a legacy plan for any online accounts the same way you would prepare a will for physical assets.
  5. Backups: When all else fails, backups will save the day. Make sure family members have a simple, reliable backups in place. For many, a cloud-based approach is often the simplest.
 This information is intended for awareness and to identify areas of opportunities where we can increase our security controls. If you see any suspicious or odd behavior, contact the Office of Cybersecurity at or 901.448.1880. We want to know about it.
Copyright © *2020* *All rights reserved.

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UTHSC Information Technology Services 
877 Madison Avenue | Memphis, TN 38163 

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May 7, 2024