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ITS Newsletter Issue 3 November 12, 2020

This communication was generated by UTHSC Information Technology Services to educate and inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities, news and events that will help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care, education, research, and community service.

Use Outlook Scheduling Assistant to schedule your next meeting!  

Scheduling Assistant is a tool that allows you to invite people to meetings without having to contact them individually. 

Follow these instructions to schedule your next meeting using the Scheduling Assistant:  

  1. Open Outlook  
  2. Select Calendar  
  3. Select New Meeting 
  4. Add attendees in the To box 
  5. In the Subject box, enter a description of the meeting or event 
  6. Select Scheduling Assistant from the Ribbon. You will see a row for every recipient you entered in the To box. 
  7. If you want to add more attendees, you can type their name in any blank row in the Scheduling Assistant
  8. Select an available time for all of your attendees 
This will reduce the amount of time going back and forth with team members, trying to nail down a meeting time. Visit UTHSC Outlook Overview for more information. 
Important Maintenance Update! 

Don’t Update to macOS 11 (Big Sur) Just Yet! 

In testing, ITS has discovered that macOS 11 (Big Sur) is not compatible with our networking agents AnyConnect and ISE. 

We are working with Cisco technical support to resolve this issue and will notify the campus as soon as your Mac OS can be safely updated.


Microsoft OneDrive  
How do I access OneDrive? 
All UTHSC faculty, students, and staff have access to OneDrive through Microsoft 365. 

To access OneDrive: 

  1. Open Browser (Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox).   
  2. Type in
  3. Sign in with your UTHSC email address ( and password
  4. Authenticate using Duo.
  5. Select the OneDrive icon from your menu.  
  6. You will see all of your files.
Give it a try! Create a new folder or document, upload a document or folder,...just to get familiar with it! 

This OneDrive Overview will guide you. Or, visit the UTHSC OneDrive website for more information. 

Microsoft SharePoint   
How do I access SharePoint?
All UTHSC faculty, students, and staff have access to SharePoint through Microsoft 365.   

To access SharePoint: 

  1. Open Browser (Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox).   
  2. Type in
  3. Sign in with your UTHSC email address (yourNetID@uthsc.eduand password. 
  4. Authenticate using Duo.
  5. Select the SharePoint icon from your menu.
  6. You will see all of your Frequent sites.
  7. Select the site and you will see all of the folders/documents within that site.

Now it's your turn to give it a try! Create a new folder or document, upload a document or folder...just to get familiar with it! 

If you or your department would like to have a SharePoint site created for your division, department, college, or workgroup, submit this online form to request.  

Visit the UTHSC Microsoft SharePoint website for more information. 

Microsoft Teams  
Teams allows you to share files with project teams, co-workers, and committees, who share a common focus.  Teams is a highly secured tool, which has been approved for sharing PII, HIPAA and FERPA data.
See Teams under Video Conference Tools for instructions on accessing Teams.

Visit UTHSC Microsoft Teams website for more information. 

Document Management Comparison
Not sure when to use which tool?  Use this Document Management Overviewwhich provides a detailed comparison of Microsoft OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint as a guide!


Installing Zoom is the first step to get started with your online conferencing and will make it easier for you to access your meetings.  

Follow these instructions to install Zoom:  

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Create or Edit Account button
  3. Login with your UTHSC NetID and Password
  4. An account will be provisioned for you automatically
  5. Click the Edit link located in the upper right corner of the window
  6. Please complete your profile by entering UTHSC in the Company/ Organization field 

Now you have a Zoom Basic Account!  

Visit the UTHSC Installing Zoom website for detailed images and information.  


Microsoft Teams 

What’s great about Microsoft Teams is that you already have it! Teams is located with your other Microsoft tools. Teams is a great tool for keeping in touch with co-workers!

Follow these instructions to access Microsoft Teams:  

  1. Open a browser (Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox).
  2. Type in 
  3. Sign in with your UTHSC email address ( and password
  4.  Authenticate using Duo.
  5. Select the Teams icon from your menu.
Now it's your turn!  Click on Chat to initiate an instant message with a co-worker!

Visit UTHSC Microsoft Teams website for more information. 

Application Access and IT Service Catalog 

Interested in getting the access you need? Visit the Application Access website.

Curious about what technical tools and services are available on campus?  Visit the IT Service Catalog for more information. 

Survey Tools  

QuestionPro is our university-wide cloud-based survey/form tool. QuestionPro is available to all faculty, staff, and students (at no cost to you). QuestionPro allows you to design, distribute, analyze, and export data for simple to complex surveys. 

QuestionPro is safe to use for collecting and storing data, including PII, FERPA, HIPAA, and PHI.

Log into your UT QuestionPro account today and get started.  Your account already exists, when you log on using your UTHSC NetID and password.

Visit UTHSC QuestionPro and Qualtrics website for more information. Contact for help getting started with QuestionsPro.

SurveyMonkey is not supported by UTHSC. 

Upcoming Maintenance Updates! 
FileMaker Pro will be upgraded during the weekend of November 13-15 to FMP 19. This affects all non-Prev Med users. If you are affected, you have received an email with instructions. 

Upcoming Changes to OneDrive and SharePoint
Online Link Sharing 

On November 9, 2020, ITS made changes to how sharing links work by default to enhance security for file sharing in OneDrive and SharePoint Online.

At the center of these changes is a change to the default behavior whenever a user shares a link or folder. The current default of "Anyone with the link" has changed to "Specific people (only the people the user specifies)." This will still allow external sharing, but reduce the chances of accidentally sharing a link that is open to the public. 
In addition, anonymous external links will be set to expire after 30-days and will be “View only.” 
Details about this change, including information about changes to Anonymous links, is available in the UTK OIT Knowledge Base.

HLM by Scientific Software International, Inc.

HLM from Scientific Software International is a package that does Multilevel Models that are also often called Hierarchical Linear Models (HLMs).

An example of a multilevel model is a regression equation showing how studying increases grades. That relationship may differ at different levels, such as teachers within schools within districts.

Learn when to use it, where to run it, how to learn, and where to get help. Visit UTHSC Research Software website for more information. 

Application Support
Visit UTHSC Desktop & Web Apps website to see a list of supported applications.  

Interested in learning more about one of these tools?
Request a training for yourself or your department! 

Contact for individual or group trainings.

LinkedIn Learning  

LinkedIn Learning provides courses and webinars for you to learn business, creative, and software skills to achieve your professional and personal goals. 

First, login into your UTHSC LinkedIn Learning account to access a variety of free courses. 

Get started with the following courses:  

1. Essential Training 

2. Microsoft Cloud Fundamentals: SharePoint Online, OneDrive, and Teams 

3. Zoom: Leading Effective and Engaging Calls

4. Leading Virtual Meetings 

5. Cybersecurity Awareness 

Visit UTHSC LinkedIn Learning website for more information.  

Information Technology Services

Still using Isilon, MyDrive or VolShare to store documents? Have no idea what these are? It doesn't matter! If you are still using these or are looking for a storage solution, it's time to make the move to OneDrive or SharePoint.

Contact the Helpdesk at for assistance in moving your documents.

Visit UTHSC Document Management Overview for more information. 


Lean 6 Sigma 

The need to communicate may seem self-evident, but it’s important to make sure it’s a two-way process. Sometimes little or no feedback indicates agreement, but it can also mean your message didn’t get through to the right level or has simply been ignored.

If you need to adapt or put your ideas on hold, so be it. Delayed plans that need to be modified are better than unevaluated suggestions buried without trace.

Visit the Lean UTHSC website for more information. 

“Sec_rity isn’t complete without U” 

Passwords: They MUST be Hard to Guess!
No one wants to think about passwords, create new ones or remember the ones they have. But these VITAL pieces of security MUST be hard to guess. Using a season + the current year, or in this election year, a candidate’s name, makes for an easily guessed password. Our campus has been trained not to use personal information in passwords, such as your spouse’s name, child or pet’s name, significant dates, etc.  However, common words should not be used also, because of the easily guessed nature of using them. 

For example, a common password this year is “Summer2020” or “Trump2020” or “Biden2020”.  (you see a theme?) Education accounts seem to like sports, so if someone was trying to steal passwords, they would try those and see what they can get. Bad actors, from the lone hacker to nation states, have automated tools that “brute force” attacks, trying many passwords for each username within seconds. If yours is easily guessed, they have your credentials.  Use passphrases of at least three words to make a strong shield against the bad guys.
Therefore, and the final word of caution, don’t automatically accept DUO pushes on your phone if you have not originated the request. If they have your password, you still have the ability to not let them in our environment. Report these suspicious attempts to the Office of Cybersecurity at or 901.448.1880.

Visit UTHSC Cybersecurity website for more information

October was National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
We had an exciting and informative awareness month. The ten winners of the Cybersecurity Digital Scavenger Hunt were announced the first week of November and received their Starbucks gift card. Check out for a list of the winners and a recap of the months and the tips delivered to the campus. 
The healthcare industry increasingly relies on internet-connected devices, telemedicine and digital health records to improve patient care and organizational efficiency. However, these technologies have made the industry a major target for bad actors intending to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased reliance on internet-connected devices. Citizens and hospitals alike have seen an increase in cyberattacks, such as phishing scams and data theft, and the urgency of the pandemic has only made the industry more vulnerable.
Be aware that you are a target because you are part of our community. Use what you have been taught, including:
  • strong passphrases
  • two-factor authentication whenever it is offered
  • encrypt sensitive data including your own personal information
  • how to spot a phishing attack or social engineering scam
  • lock all your devices
Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart 

Come Visit the Phish Bowl
A new web page has been created where the Office of Cybersecurity will post emails that are forwarded to based on the relevancy of the email. The Phish Bowl is where you can check to see if an email you have received that looks phishy has already been reported. 

This doesn’t mean we don’t want you to keep reporting these to Abuse, but if you bookmark the page, it can be a quick easy check. Visit often to see what has been reported, both phishes and legitimate emails, and learn what to look for in your emails.

The Phish Bowl can be found at
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Our mailing address is:

UTHSC Information Technology Services 
877 Madison Avenue | Memphis, TN 38163 

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May 7, 2024