Malignant Hematology
The section of Malignant Hematology, a component of the Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology at the University of Tennessee, is committed to providing the people of Memphis and South East Tennessee with the best possible care for patients with cancers related to the blood, bone marrow and lymph nodes. Diseases under our care include, but are not limited to, acute and chronic leukemia, Indolent and high-grade lymphomas, myelodysplastic syndromes, myeloproliferative neoplasms, and plasma cell dyscrasias. Our management encompasses clinic visits, inpatient hospitalization, and stem cell transplant.
Our providers are highly specialized and skilled through training and work experience at world-class centers. Our nursing and administrative staff are extremely devoted, have vast experience, and are well equipped with the skill set needed to take care of our patients.
We believe in a collaborative approach with other services, including Radiation Oncology, Interventional Radiology and Pathology within multidisciplinary conferences to develop a plan that is unique to each of our patients. We believe that each patient is special and unique. Decisions are made based on strong clinical judgment, collaborative discussions and the most up to date evaluation of diseases based on molecular and gene testing.
When best for our patients, we will offer clinical trials that place them on the forefront of exciting new developments in science. This will enable our patients to not just have access to the present standard of care but also to new drugs, therapies, and technology.
Dr. Amit Correa - May 2020