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Regenerative and Rehabilitation Sciences

Research training in the health professions is necessary to provide needed university academicians in that can advance the fields of rehabilitation and repair/regeneration of tissue after acute or chronic injuries. Patient health is central to all rehabilitation, so the ability to recover from either injury or disability can be impacted by underlying pathophysiology such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and aging. College of Health Professions and related disciplines are increasingly offering PhD preparation in the regenerative and rehabilitation sciences area. Study in regenerative and rehabilitation sciences currently represents a significant expansion of the student’s research training that extends beyond professional students obtaining a PhD after completing their degree (e.g., DPT, OTD, MOT) that is closely aligned with their professional degree and emphasizes clinical environment research skills. Thus, the track offers an innovative opportunity for student training in research who can then pursue clinical and academic research careers within the health professions.

Program Website


Dr. Stephen Alway
Department of Physical Therapy
Dean and College of Health Professions
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
930 Madison Avenue, Suite 633
Memphis, TN 38163

Program Resources


Core Curriculum

Overall Biomedical Sciences and Regenerative and Rehabilitation Sciences Track Requirements

  • Biostatistics (2 credit hours) -- BIOE 845, Spring
  • Integrity in the Conduct of Scientific Research (1 credit hour) -- IP 801, Spring
  • Rehabilitation Sciences Seminar (1 credit hour), repeated 4 semesters – RSHP 919 Fall / Spring 

Core Required courses in Regenerative and Rehabilitation Sciences track (9 credit hours)

  • Essentials of Cell Biology (3 credit hours) -- IP 841, Fall
  • Biochemistry (3 credit hours) -- IP 806 Fall or Functional Neuroanatomy: (3 credit hours) -- ANAT 827, Fall
  • Essentials of Molecular Biology (3 credit hours) IP 805, Spring semester or
    Behavioral Neuroscience: (3 credit hours) -- ANAT 841, Fall even-numbered years

Electives (6 credit hours)

  • Special Topics in Rehabilitation Sciences ( 1-5 credit hours) – RSHP 840, Fall / Spring
  • Cellular Neuroscience (3 credit hours) -- ANAT 823, Spring odd-numbered years
  • Developmental & Molecular Neurobiology (3 credit hours) -- ANAT 825, Spring even-# years
  • Pathobiology of Cancer (3 credit hours) -- IP 940, Fall
  • Bioinformatics I (2 credit hours) -- MSCI 814, Spring
  • Bioinformatics II (1 credit hour) -- MSCI 815, Spring
  • Cellular Signaling (3 credit hours) -- MSCI 861, Spring
  • Techniques in Molecular Biology Research (4 credit hours) -- MSCI 929
  • Immunity and Inflammation (3 credit hours) -- MSCI 931 Fall
  • Techniques I: Biochemical and Cellular Methods (2 credit hours) -- MSCI 934, Spring
  • Techniques II: Methods for Nucleic Acids Fall (2 credit hours) -- MSCI 935
  • Physiology and Biophysics (Medical Physiology) (5 credit hours) -- PHYS 612, Spring
Jun 26, 2024