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Faculty Resources

The following information contains links to important resources for faculty, including the Faculty Senate, UTHSC Faculty Handbook, College Bylaws, and Statement of Misconduct in Service and Research, and
documents pertinent to faculty recruitment, appointment, promotion, tenure, and Annual Performance and Planning Review.

Faculty Resources

Annual Performance and Planning Review

Annual Performance and Planning Review Documents
Annual Review Improvement Plan

Promotion and Tenure

September 25, 2019 Campus Promotion and Tenure Session
  • Promotion and Tenure Slides
  • Session Recording
  • Blackboard Site
    • Blackboard Instructions
      1. Log into Blackboard
      2. Near the top left of the screen (in the black bar), click on Courses 
      3. In Course Search (left-hand column), type UTHSC Promotion and click Go
      4. Click on the Course ID of UTHSC_PandT_2019_2020
      5. In the middle of some print in the main portion of the page will be a message to Click here to enroll, which you should do
      6. In the left-hand column for the course, click + Enroll
      7. Then click OK at the lower right-hand corner
Tenure Track Changes

Transfers between tracks (tenure track, non-tenure track) may be permitted per the UTHSC Faculty Handbook. Sections 4.9.2 and 5.2 provide guidance to faculty members, chairs, and deans as to such a request.

To process requests for transfers from tenure track to non-tenure track, please use the provided template, located here.

Tenure Calculation Aid

Typically, a faculty member on tenure track serves a probationary period prior to being considered for tenure (the exception is tenure upon initial appointment). In keeping with the UT Board of Trustees policy, the probationary period at UTHSC is six years. The faculty member will apply for tenure during the sixth year, and if tenure is not granted, the faculty member will be permitted to serve a seventh year as a terminal year.

Review the current tenure calculation chart for date calculations for:

  • Required six year probationary period for tenure
  • Requirements for early consideration for tenure before the sixth year of the probationary period

Need to review the old tenure calculation chart 

Post-Tenure Review


Faculty Recruitment and Appointment


College and Department Administrator Resources

Contact Us

Contact one of the following individuals in the Office of Academic, Faculty & Student Affairs, Suite 400 Hyman:

Aug 1, 2024